Saturday, April 23, 2016

dish soap

yesterday, as i was getting ready to go to the ballet with friends,
chloe comes into my room with chocolate all over her jeans and said,
"i dropped the koala cube tray after i put the chocolate it in." *might* need a little back story here.

the girls and i can not have dairy.
at all.
no milk of any sort.
which makes chocolate either expensive or nonexistent.

a few years ago my friend made some chocolate and gave it to me.
homemade chocolate.
without dairy.
or high fructose corn syrup.

seriously folks.
it's amazing.

now back to the story.
about an hour before the spill chloe comes to me and asks if she can make chocolate.
of course! i say.
i give her some direction and leave her to it.
(don't freak out people...she's 13.
chocolate shouldn't be difficult.)

then she comes to me and says,
"i just had a brilliant idea.
i can put it in the koala cube maker."

some australian friends of ours gave us a silicone ice cube tray.
it is a brilliant idea, i say.

and off she goes.

so 4:30 rolls around.
my friends are arriving.
i'm not finished.
chloe enters the room and discloses that when she was transferring the koala ice cube maker to the little cutting board it tipped off (it's not the sturdiest thing) onto the floor and sent chocolate everywhere.
we chat about the situation and she leaves to clean it up.
i finish up, my friends and i head downstairs to see...

my child "skating" around the kitchen floor on a washcloth with dish soap bubbles surrounding her feet.
the ENTIRE floor, people, covered in bubbles.

she is having a glorious time.

pause right here for a moment.
think of what you would do.
there are four reactions i think would occur:
1) yelling.  and lots of it.
2) grab some towels, kick said child out of room and clean it up for her.
3) grab some towels, throw them at her and walk away in disgust.
4) join her in the fun.

i'm sure there's more.
but that's what went through my head.

it was as if i was going through the list and ticking items off the list as unacceptable.
i've renounced yelling.  so...not going to happen.
grabbing towels seemed like the right thing to do but doing it myself wasn't going to work nor joining in on the fun as i was heading off to the ballet (and late at that)!
and walking off in disgust wasn't so bright.

the look of joy on her face!

have you ever "skated" around on bubbles.'s seriously fun.

so...i told her daddy would be home soon and to do her best.
i smooched her and left.

the floor looked clean this morning.
but as one would guess she didn't do a good job.
which is fine...

so we got down on the floor together and i showed her how to clean soap off the floor.
and we discussed better ways of cleaning coconut oil up.

so instead of getting the machine fired up and ready to go this morning.
and instead of blogging about quilts that were done tis week.
i'm here...writing about my beautiful girl who is 100% 13.

maybe next week i'll be able to post some photos for you.


~ h

p.s. i finished my mum's the word quilt.
binding AND label.
plus got the label on another quilt, so it's all done.
plus quilted the little quilt i made at retreat and got the binding on it.
i'll post photos of these finishes next saturday.
what i'm currently working on is my American Flag Rag Quilt.
the goal is to get it finished so we can put the pattern on the website.
that's nearly done!
oh the hoops people...they are unending!

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